Benchmark Plotting / TablingΒΆ

Below is an example configuration file used to input the desired options for the comprehensive benchmark comparison script Additional configuration file examples can be found in the benchmarks directory of GCpy.

The script allows one to perform benchmark comparisons between any simulation duration supplied in the configuration file provided the ref and dev simulations time periods match. Additionally, if the durations specified are exactly one year, then the corresponding bmk_type specialty comparison script will be run (either or Any other duration will run the standard suite of benchmark comparisons.

To generate plots from a 1-month benchmark simulation, you would call as follows:

(gcpy_env) $ 1mo_benchmark.yml

Where 1mo_benchmark.yml contains the following inputs:

# =====================================================================
# Benchmark configuration file (**EDIT AS NEEDED**)
# customize in the following manner:
# (1) Edit the path variables so that they point to folders w/ model data
# (2) Edit the version strings for each benchmark simulation
# (3) Edit the switches that turn on/off creating of plots and tables
# (4) If necessary, edit labels for the dev and ref versions
# Note: When doing GCHP vs GCC comparisions gchp_dev will be compared
# to gcc_dev (not gcc_ref!). This ensures consistency in version names
# when doing GCHP vs GCC diff-of-diffs (mps, 6/27/19)
# =====================================================================
# Configuration for 1 month FullChemBenchmark
# paths:
#   main_dir:    High-level directory containing ref & dev rundirs
#   results_dir: Directory where plots/tables will be created
#   weights_dir: Path to regridding weights
#   spcdb_dir:   Folder in which the species_database.yml file is
#                located.  If set to "default", then will look for
#                species_database.yml in one of the Dev rundirs.
  main_dir: /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/geos-chem/validation/gcpy_test_data/1mon
  results_dir: /path/to/BenchmarkResults
  weights_dir: /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/GCHP/RegriddingWeights
  spcdb_dir: default
# data: Contains configurations for ref and dev runs
#   version:         Version string (must not contain spaces)
#   dir:             Path to run directory
#   outputs_subdir:  Subdirectory w/ GEOS-Chem diagnostic files
#   restarts_subdir: Subdirectory w/ GEOS-Chem restarts
#   bmk_start:       Simulation start date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
#   bmk_end:         Simulation end date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
#   resolution:      GCHP resolution string
      version: GCC_ref
      dir: GCC_ref
      outputs_subdir: OutputDir
      restarts_subdir: Restarts
      bmk_start: "2019-07-01T00:00:00"
      bmk_end: "2019-08-01T00:00:00"
      version: GCHP_ref
      dir: GCHP_ref
      outputs_subdir: OutputDir
      restarts_subdir: Restarts
      bmk_start: "2019-07-01T00:00:00"
      bmk_end: "2019-08-01T00:00:00"
      is_pre_13.1: False
      is_pre_14.0: False
      resolution: c24
      version: GCC_dev
      dir: GCC_dev
      outputs_subdir: OutputDir
      restarts_subdir: Restarts
      bmk_start: "2019-07-01T00:00:00"
      bmk_end: "2019-08-01T00:00:00"
      version: GCHP_dev
      dir: GCHP_dev
      outputs_subdir: OutputDir
      restarts_subdir: Restarts
      bmk_start: "2019-07-01T00:00:00"
      bmk_end: "2019-08-01T00:00:00"
      is_pre_13.1: False
      is_pre_14.0: False
      resolution: c24
# options: Specify the types of comparisons to perform
  bmk_type: FullChemBenchmark
  gcpy_test: True # Specify if this is a gcpy test validation run
      run: True # True to run this comparison
      dir: GCC_version_comparison
      tables_subdir: Tables
      run: True
      dir: GCHP_GCC_comparison
      tables_subdir: Tables
      run: True
      dir: GCHP_version_comparison
      tables_subdir: Tables
      run: True
      dir: GCHP_GCC_diff_of_diffs
# outputs: Types of output to generate (plots/tables)
    plot_conc: True
    plot_emis: True
    emis_table: True
    plot_jvalues: True
    plot_aod: True
    mass_table: True
    ops_budget_table: False
    OH_metrics: True
    ste_table: True # GCC only
    plot_options: # Plot concentrations and emissions by category?
      by_spc_cat: True
      by_hco_cat: True

YAML configuration files for 1-year benchmarks (1yr_fullchem_benchmark.yml, 1yr_tt_benchmark.yml) are also provided in the benchmarks folder.