Installing GCPy

GCPy and its dependencies can be installed using Conda in either standard user mode (allow Conda to handle installation without Git support) or development mode using Conda and Conda-build (install from a Git clone). You can also manually install GCPy using a clone of the source code, but this option requires you to add the package to your PYTHONPATH manually and to install properly versioned dependencies on your own.

Requirements for GCPy

Software Prerequisites

GCPy is currently supported for Linux and MacOS operating systems. Due to a reliance on several packages without Windows support, GCPy is not currently supported for Windows. You will receive an error message if you attempt to install GCPy through Conda on Windows.

The only essential software package you need before installing GCPy is a distribution of the Conda package manager, which is used to install GCPy and its dependencies. It is also highly recommended that you create an environment in Conda for working with GCPy. Steps to setup Conda are described below:

  1. Install Miniconda or Anaconda. Miniconda is much more lightweight and functions perfectly well for GCPy purposes, while Anaconda automatically includes many extra packages that are not directly relevant to GCPy.

  2. After installing Miniconda or Anaconda, create a Conda environment for using GCPy. The basic usage (also found on the Conda Github hompeage) is:

    # Navigate to the top-level GCPy folder
    cd /path/to/gcpy
    # Create a Conda environment for working with GCPy
    conda env create -n gcpy_env --file=environment.yml
    # Activate (enter) your new Conda environment
    $ conda activate gcpy_env
    # Deactivate (exit) your Conda environment
    $ conda deactivate

    From within your Conda environment, you can follow the instructions on Installing normally through Conda (if you don’t plan on modifying GCPy source code) or Installing in development mode through Conda-build (for developers).

Python dependencies

Conda handles the installation of all dependencies for GCPy automatically. Most dependencies have minimum version requirements. We recommend using GCPy with Python 3.9. The list of dependencies (not including sub-dependencies) that are installed by Conda includes:

A full list of package version requirements may be found in docs/source/environment.yml. There is also a symbolic link to this file from the top-level gcpy folder.

Installing GCPy for non-developers using Conda

GCPy is available through the conda-forge channel under the name geoschem-gcpy. Installing GCPy in your Conda environment requires two commands:

$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda install geoschem-gcpy

Conda will handle the installation of all dependencies and sub-dependencies for GCPy, which includes many Python packages and several non-Python libraries.

Installing GCPy for developers

If you wish to make changes to the GCPy source code with the goal of contributing to GCPy development, you will need to install GCPy from a clone of the GCPy Git repository:

$ git clone
$ cd gcpy
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda install geoschem-gcpy --only-deps
$ pip install -e .

Conda will handle the installation of dependencies when you install from this clone, and pip will point all GCPy links to this directory.