
This page describes in depth the plotting capabilities of GCPy, including possible argument values for every plotting function.

compare_single_level and compare_zonal_mean

gcpy.plot.compare_single_level() and gcpy.plot.compare_zonal_mean() both generate six panel plots comparing variables between two datasets. They share significant structural overlap both in output appearance and code implementation. This section gives an overview of the components of the plots generated by these functions, their shared arguments, and features unique to each function.

Shared structure

Both compare_single_level() and compare_zonal_mean() generate a six panel plot for each variable passed. These plots can either be saved to PDFs or generated sequentially for visualization in the Matplotlib GUI using Each plot uses data passed from a reference (Ref) dataset and a development (Dev) dataset.

Each panel has a title describing the type of panel, a colorbar for the values plotted in that panel, and the units of the data plotted in that panel. The upper two panels of each plot show actual values from the Ref (left) and Dev (right) datasets for a given variable. The middle two panels show the difference (Dev - Ref) between the values in the Dev dataset and the values in the Ref dataset. The left middle panel uses a full dynamic color map, while the right middle panel caps the color map at the 5th and 95th percentiles. The bottom two panels show the ratio (Dev/Ref) between the values in the Dev dataset and the values in the Ref Dataset. The left bottom panel uses a full dynamic color map, while the right bottom panel caps the color map at 0.5 and 2.0.

Both compare_single_level() and compare_zonal_mean() have four positional (required) arguments.


refdata : xarray.Dataset

Dataset used as reference in comparison

refstr : str OR list of str

String description for reference data to be used in plots OR list containing [ref1str, ref2str] for diff-of-diffs plots

devdata : xarray.Dataset

Dataset used as development in comparison

devstr : str OR list of str

String description for development data to be used in plots OR list containing [dev1str, dev2str] for diff-of-diffs plots

refstr and devstr title the top two panels of each six panel plot.

A basic script that calls compare_zonal_mean() or compare_single_level() looks like:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import xarray as xr
import gcpy.plot as gcplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

file1 = '/path/to/ref'
file2 = '/path/to/dev'
ds1 = xr.open_dataset(file1)
ds2 = xr.open_dataset(file2)
gcplot.compare_zonal_mean(ds1, 'Ref run', ds2, 'Dev run')
#gcplot.compare_single_level(ds1, 'Ref run', ds2, 'Dev run')

:code`compare_single_level()` and compare_zonal_mean() also share many keyword arguments. Some of these arguments are plotting options that change the format of the plots, e.g. choosing to convert units to ug/m3, which are automatically handled if you do not specify a value for that argument.

Other arguments are necessary to achieve a correct plot depending on the format of refdata and devdata and require you to know certain traits of your input data. For example, you must specify if one of the datasets should be flipped vertically if Z coordinates in that dataset do not denote decreasing pressure as Z index increases, otherwise the vertical coordinates between your two datasets may be misaligned and result in an undesired plotting outcome.

The n_job argument governs the parallel plotting settings of compare_single_level() and compare_zonal_mean() . GCPy uses the joblib library to create plots in parallel. Due to limitations with matplotlib, this parallelization creates plots (pages) in parallel rather than individual panels on a single page. Parallel plot creation is not enabled when you do not save to a PDF. The default value of n_job=-1 allows the function call to automatically scale up to, at most, the number of cores available on your system. On systems with higher (12+) core counts, the max number of cores is not typically reached because of the process handling mechanics of joblib. However, on lower-end systems with lower core counts or less available memory, it is advantageous to use n_job to limit the max number of processes.

Shared keyword arguments:

varlist : list of str

List of xarray dataset variable names to make plots for

Default value: None (will compare all common variables)

itime : int

Dataset time dimension index using 0-based system. Can only plot values from one time index in a single function call.

Default value: 0

refmet : xarray.Dataset

Dataset containing ref meteorology. Needed for area-based normalizations / ug/m3 unit conversions.

Default value: None

devmet : xarray.Dataset

Dataset containing dev meteorology. Needed for area-based normalizations and/or ug/m3 unit conversions.

Default value: None

weightsdir : str

Directory path for storing regridding weight files generated by xESMF.

Default value: None (will create/store weights in current directory)

pdfname : str

File path to save plots as PDF.

Default value: Empty string (will not create PDF)

cmpres : str

String description of grid resolution at which to compare datasets. The possible formats are ‘int’ (e.g. ‘48’ for c48) for a cubed-sphere resolution or ‘latxlon’ (e.g. ‘4x5’) for a lat/lon resolution.

Default value: None (will compare at highest resolution of Ref and Dev)

match_cbar : bool

Set this flag to True to use same the colorbar bounds for both Ref and Dev plots. This only applies to the top two panels of each plot.

Default value: True

normalize_by_area : bool

Set this flag to True to to normalize raw data in both Ref and Dev datasets by grid area. Either input ref and dev datasets must include AREA variable in m2 if normalizing by area, or refmet and devmet datasets must include Met_AREAM2 variable.

Default value: False

enforce_units : bool

Set this flag to True force an error if the variables in the Ref and Dev datasets have different units.

Default value: True

convert_to_ugm3 : bool

Whether to convert data units to ug/m3 for plotting. refmet and devmet cannot be None if converting to ug/m3.

Default value: False

flip_ref : bool

Set this flag to True to flip the vertical dimension of 3D variables in the Ref dataset.

Default value: False

flip_dev : bool

Set this flag to True to flip the vertical dimension of 3D variables in the Dev dataset.

Default value: False

use_cmap_RdBu : bool

Set this flag to True to use a blue-white-red colormap for plotting raw ref and dev data (the top two panels).

Default value: False

verbose : bool

Set this flag to True to enable informative printout.

Default value: False

log_color_scale : bool

Set this flag to True to enable plotting data (only the top two panels, not diffs) on a log color scale.

Default value: False

extra_title_txt : str

Specifies extra text (e.g. a date string such as “Jan2016”) for the top-of-plot title.

Default value: None

n_job : int

Defines the number of simultaneous workers for parallel plotting. Only applicable when saving to PDF. Set to 1 to disable parallel plotting. Value of -1 allows the application to decide.

Default value: -1

sigdiff_list : list of str

Returns a list of all quantities having significant differences (where |max(fractional difference)| > 0.1).

Default value: []

second_ref : xarray.Dataset

A dataset of the same model type / grid as refdata, to be used in diff-of-diffs plotting.

Default value: None

second_dev : xarray.Dataset

A dataset of the same model type / grid as devdata, to be used in diff-of-diffs plotting.

Default value: None

spcdb_dir : str

Directory containing species_database.yml file. This file is used for unit conversions to ug/m3. GEOS-Chem run directories include a copy of this file which may be more up-to-date than the version included with GCPy.

Default value: Path of GCPy code repository

sg_ref_path : str

Path to NetCDF file containing stretched-grid info (in attributes) for the ref dataset.

Default value: ‘’ (will not be read in)

sg_dev_path : str

Path to NetCDF file containing stretched-grid info (in attributes) for the dev dataset.

Default value: ‘’ (will not be read in)


def compare_single_level(refdata, refstr, devdata, devstr,
    varlist=None, ilev=0, itime=0,
    refmet=None, devmet=None, weightsdir='.',
    pdfname="", cmpres=None, match_cbar=True,
    normalize_by_area=False, enforce_units=True,
    convert_to_ugm3=False, flip_ref=False, flip_dev=False,
    use_cmap_RdBu=False, verbose=False, log_color_scale=False,
    extra_title_txt=None, extent = [-1000, -1000, -1000, -1000],
    n_job=-1, sigdiff_list=[], second_ref=None, second_dev=None,
    spcdb_dir=os.path.dirname(__file__), sg_ref_path='', sg_dev_path='',
    ll_plot_func='imshow', **extra_plot_args

compare_single_level() features several keyword arguments that are not relevant to compare_zonal_mean(), including specifying which level to plot, the lat/lon extent of the plots, and which underlying matplotlib.plot function to use for plotting.

Function-specific keyword arguments:

ilev : int

Dataset level dimension index using 0-based system

Default value: 0

extent : list of float

Defines the extent of the region to be plotted in form [minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat]. Default value plots extent of input grids.

Default value: [-1000, -1000, -1000, -1000]

ll_plot_func : str

Function to use for lat/lon single level plotting with possible values ‘imshow’ and ‘pcolormesh’. imshow is much faster but is slightly displaced when plotting from dateline to dateline and/or pole to pole.

Default value: ‘imshow’


Any extra keyword arguments are passed through the plotting functions to be used in calls to pcolormesh() (CS) or imshow() (Lat/Lon).


def compare_zonal_mean(refdata, refstr, devdata, devstr,
    varlist=None, itime=0, refmet=None, devmet=None,
    weightsdir='.', pdfname="", cmpres=None,
    match_cbar=True, pres_range=[0, 2000],
    normalize_by_area=False, enforce_units=True,
    convert_to_ugm3=False, flip_ref=False, flip_dev=False,
    use_cmap_RdBu=False, verbose=False, log_color_scale=False,
    log_yaxis=False, extra_title_txt=None, n_job=-1, sigdiff_list=[],
    second_ref=None, second_dev=None, spcdb_dir=os.path.dirname(__file__),
    sg_ref_path='', sg_dev_path='', ref_vert_params=[[],[]],
    dev_vert_params=[[],[]], **extra_plot_args

compare_zonal_mean() features several keyword arguments that are not relevant to compare_single_level(), including specifying the pressure range to plot (defaulting to the complete atmosphere), whether the y-axis of the plots (pressure) should be in log format, and hybrid vertical grid parameters to pass if one or more of Ref and Dev do not use the typical 72-level or 47-level grids.

Function-specific keyword arguments:

pres_range : list of ints

Pressure range of levels to plot [hPa]. The vertical axis will span the outer pressure edges of levels that contain pres_range endpoints.

Default value: [0,2000]

log_yaxis : bool

Set this flag to True if you wish to create zonal mean plots with a log-pressure Y-axis.

Default value: False

ref_vert_params : list of list-like types

Hybrid grid parameter A in hPa and B (unitless). Needed if ref grid is not 47 or 72 levels.

Default value: [[], []]

dev_vert_params : list of list-like types

Hybrid grid parameter A in hPa and B (unitless). Needed if dev grid is not 47 or 72 levels.

Default value: [[], []]


Any extra keyword arguments are passed through the plotting functions to be used in calls to pcolormesh().


def single_panel(plot_vals, ax=None, plot_type="single_level",
    grid={}, gridtype="", title="fill",comap=WhGrYlRd,
    norm=[],unit="",extent=(None, None, None, None),
    log_color_scale=False, add_cb=True,
    pres_range=[0, 2000], pedge=np.full((1, 1), -1),
    pedge_ind=np.full((1,1), -1), log_yaxis=False,
    xtick_positions=[], xticklabels=[], proj=ccrs.PlateCarree(),
    sg_path='', ll_plot_func="imshow", vert_params=[[],[]],
    pdfname="", return_list_of_plots=False **extra_plot_args

gcpy.plot.single_panel() is used to create plots containing only one panel of GEOS-Chem data. This function is used within compare_single_level() and compare_zonal_mean() to generate each panel plot. It can also be called directly on its own to quickly plot GEOS-Chem data in zonal mean or single level format.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import xarray as xr
import gcpy.plot as gcplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ds = xr.open_dataset('GEOSChem.SpeciesConc.20160701_0000z.nc4')
#get surface ozone
plot_data = ds['SpeciesConc_O3'].isel(lev=0)


Currently single_panel() expects data with a 1-length ( or non-existent) time dimension, as well as a 1-length or non-existent Z dimension for single level plotting, so you’ll need to do some pre-processing of your input data as shown in the above code snippet.

single_panel() contains a few amenities to help with plotting GEOS-Chem data, including automatic grid detection for lat/lon or standard cubed-sphere xarray DataArray-s. You can also pass NumPy arrays to plot, though you’ll need to manually pass grid info in this case.


In addition to the specific arguments listed below, any other keyword arguments will be forwarded to matplotlib.pyplot.imshow() / matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh().

plot_vals : xarray.DataArray or numpy array

Single data variable GEOS-Chem output to plot

ax : matplotlib axes

Axes object to plot information

Default value: None (Will create a new axes)

plot_type : str

Either “single_level” or “zonal_mean”

Default value: “single_level”

grid : dict

Dictionary mapping plot_vals to plottable coordinates

Default value: {} (will attempt to read grid from plot_vals)

gridtype : str

“ll” for lat/lon or “cs” for cubed-sphere

Default value: “” (will automatically determine from grid)

title : str

Title to put at top of plot

Default value: “fill” (will use name attribute of plot_vals if available)

comap : matplotlib Colormap

Colormap for plotting data values

Default value: WhGrYlRd

norm : list

List with range [0..1] normalizing color range for matplotlib methods

Default value: [] (will determine from plot_vals)

unit : str

Units of plotted data

Default value: “” (will use units attribute of plot_vals if available)

extent : tuple (minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat)

Describes minimum and maximum latitude and longitude of input data

Default value: (None, None, None, None) (Will use full extent of plot_vals if plot is single level.

masked_data : numpy array

Masked area for avoiding near-dateline cubed-sphere plotting issues

Default value: None (will attempt to determine from plot_vals)

use_cmap_RdBu : bool

Set this flag to True to use a blue-white-red colormap

Default value: False

log_color_scale : bool

Set this flag to True to use a log-scale colormap

Default value: False

add_cb : bool

Set this flag to True to add a colorbar to the plot

Default value: True

pres_range : list of int

Range from minimum to maximum pressure for zonal mean plotting

Default value: [0, 2000] (will plot entire atmosphere)

pedge : numpy array

Edge pressures of vertical grid cells in plot_vals for zonal mean plotting

Default value: np.full((1, 1), -1) (will determine automatically)

pedge_ind : numpy array

Index of edge pressure values within pressure range in plot_vals for zonal mean plotting

Default value: np.full((1, 1), -1) (will determine automatically)

log_yaxis : bool

Set this flag to True to enable log scaling of pressure in zonal mean plots

Default value: False

xtick_positions : list of float

Locations of lat/lon or lon ticks on plot

Default value: [] (will place automatically for zonal mean plots)

xticklabels : list of str

Labels for lat/lon ticks

Default value: [] (will determine automatically from xtick_positions)

sg_path : str

Path to NetCDF file containing stretched-grid info (in attributes) for plot_vals

Default value: ‘’ (will not be read in)

ll_plot_func : str

Function to use for lat/lon single level plotting with possible values ‘imshow’ and ‘pcolormesh’. imshow is much faster but is slightly displaced when plotting from dateline to dateline and/or pole to pole.

Default value: ‘imshow’

vert_params : list(AP, BP) of list-like types

Hybrid grid parameter A in hPa and B (unitless). Needed if grid is not 47 or 72 levels.

Default value: [[], []]

pdfname : str

File path to save plots as PDF

Default value: “” (will not create PDF)

extra_plot_args : various

Any extra keyword arguments are passed to calls to pcolormesh() (CS) or imshow() (Lat/Lon).

Function-specific return value:

single_panel() returns the following object:

plot : matplotlib plot

Plot object created from input

Benchmark Plotting Functions

gcpy.benchmark contains several functions for plotting GEOS-Chem output in formats requested by the GEOS-Chem Steering Committee. The primary use of these functions is to create plots of most GEOS-Chem output variables divided into specific categories, e.g. species categories such as Aerosols or Bromine for the SpeciesConc diagnostic. In each category, these functions create single level PDFs for the surface and 500hPa and zonal mean PDFs for the entire a tmosphere and only the stratosphere (defined a 1-100hPa). For make_benchmark_emis_plots(), only single level plots at the surface are produced. All of these plotting functions include bookmarks within the generated PDFs that point to the pages containing each plotted quantity. Thus these functions serve as tools for quickly creating comprehensive plots comparing two GEOS-Chem runs. These functions are used to create the publicly available plots for 1-month and 1-year benchmarks of new versions of GEOS-Chem.

Many of these functions use pre-defined (via YAML files included in GCPy) lists of variables. If one dataset includes a variable but the other dataset does not, the data for that variable in the latter dataset will be considered to be NaN and will be plotted as such.

Shared structure of benchmark functions

Each of the gcpy.benchmark.make_benchmark_*_plots() functions requires 4 arguments to specify the ref and dev datasets.

Shared arguments:

ref: str

Path name for the “Ref” (aka “Reference”) data set.

refstr : str

A string to describe ref (e.g. version number)

dev : str

Path name for the “Dev” (aka “Development”) data set. This data set will be compared against the “Reference” data set.

devstr : str

A string to describe dev (e.g. version number)

Note that the ref and dev arguments in make_benchmark_*_plots() are the paths to NetCDF files, rather than xarray Datasets as in compare_single_level() and compare_zonal_mean(). The make_benchmark_*_plots() functions internally open these files as xarray Datasets and pass those datasets to compare_single_level() and compare_zonal_mean().

The benchmark plotting functions share several keyword arguments. Keyword arguments that do not share the same purpose across benchmark plotting functions have NOTE: in the description.

Shared keyword arguments:

dst : str

A string denoting the destination folder where a PDF file containing plots will be written.

Default value: ./benchmark.

subdst : str

A string denoting the sub-directory of dst where PDF files containing plots will be written. In practice, subdst is only needed for the 1-year benchmark output, and denotes a date string (such as “Jan2016”) that corresponds to the month that is being plotted. NOTE: Not available in wetdep_plots

Default value: None

overwrite : bool

Set this flag to True to overwrite previously created files in the destination folder (specified by the dst argument).

Default value: False.

verbose : bool

Set this flag to True to print extra informational output.

Default value: False.

log_color_scale: bool

Set this flag to True to enable plotting data (the top two panels of each plot, not diffs) on a log color scale.

Default value: False

sigdiff_files : list of str

Filenames that will contain the list of quantities having significant differences between datasets. Three files are used: one for surface, one for 500hPa, and one for zonal mean. These lists are needed in order to fill out the benchmark approval forms.


Not available in wetdep_plots

Default value: None

spcdb_dir : str

Directory containing species_database.yml file. This file is used for unit conversions to ug/m3. GEOS-Chem run directories include a copy of this file which may be more up-to-date than the version included with GCPy.

Default value: Path of GCPy code repository

weightsdir : str

Directory in which to place (and possibly reuse) xESMF regridder netCDF files.

Default value: ‘.’

n_job : int

Defines the number of simultaneous workers for parallel plotting. Set to 1 to disable parallel plotting. Value of -1 allows the application to decide.


In make_benchmark_conc_plots(), parallelization occurs at the species category level. In all other functions, parallelization occurs within calls to compare_single_level() and compare_zonal_mean().

Default value: -1 in make_benchmark_conc_plots, 1 in all others


def make_benchmark_aod_plots(ref, refstr, dev, devstr, varlist=None,
   dst="./benchmark", subdst=None, overwrite=False, verbose=False,
   log_color_scale=False, sigdiff_files=None, weightsdir='.', n_job=-1,

   Creates PDF files containing plots of column aerosol optical
   depths (AODs) for model benchmarking purposes.

Function-specific keyword args:

varlist : list of str

List of AOD variables to plot. If not passed, then all AOD variables common to both Dev and Ref will be plotted. Use the varlist argument to restrict the number of variables plotted to the pdf file when debugging.

Default value: None

This function creates column optical depth plots using the Aerosols diagnostic output.


def make_benchmark_conc_plots(ref, refstr, dev, devstr, dst="./benchmark",
   subdst=None, overwrite=False, verbose=False, collection="SpeciesConc",
   benchmark_type="FullChemBenchmark", plot_by_spc_cat=True, restrict_cats=[],
   plots=["sfc", "500hpa", "zonalmean"], use_cmap_RdBu=False, log_color_scale=False,
   sigdiff_files=None, normalize_by_area=False, cats_in_ugm3=["Aerosols", "Secondary_Organic_Aerosols"],
   areas=None, refmet=None, devmet=None, weightsdir='.', n_job=-1, second_ref=None
   second_dev=None, spcdb_dir=os.path.dirname(__file__)

   Creates PDF files containing plots of species concentration
   for model benchmarking purposes.

Function-specific keyword arguments:

collection : str

Name of collection to use for plotting.

Default value: “SpeciesConc”

benchmark_type: str

A string denoting the type of benchmark output to plot, either FullChemBenchmark or TransportTracersBenchmark.

Default value: “FullChemBenchmark”

plot_by_spc_cat: logical

Set this flag to False to send plots to one file rather than separate file per category.

Default value: True

restrict_cats : list of str

List of benchmark categories in benchmark_categories.yml to make plots for. If empty, plots are made for all categories.

Default value: empty

plots : list of str

List of plot types to create.

Default value: [‘sfc’, ‘500hpa’, ‘zonalmean’]

normalize_by_area: bool

Set this flag to true to enable normalization of data by surfacea area (i.e. kg s-1 –> kg s-1 m-2).

Default value: False

cats_in_ugm3: list of str

List of benchmark categories to to convert to ug/m3

Default value: [“Aerosols”, “Secondary_Organic_Aerosols”]

areas : dict of xarray DataArray:

Grid box surface areas in m2 on Ref and Dev grids.

Default value: None

refmet : str

Path name for ref meteorology

Default value: None

devmet : str

Path name for dev meteorology

Default value: None

second_ref: str

Path name for a second “Ref” (aka “Reference”) data set for diff-of-diffs plotting. This dataset should have the same model type and grid as ref.

Default value: None

second_dev: str

Path name for a second “Ref” (aka “Reference”) data set for diff-of-diffs plotting. This dataset should have the same model type and grid as ref.

Default value: None

This function creates species concentration plots using the SpeciesConc diagnostic output by default. This function is the only benchmark plotting function that supports diff-of-diffs plotting, in which 4 datasets are passed and the differences between two groups of Ref datasets vs. two groups of Dev datasets is plotted (typically used for comparing changes in GCHP vs. changes in GEOS-Chem Classic across model versions). This is also the only benchmark plotting function that sends plots to separate folders based on category (as denoted by the plot_by_spc_cat flag). The full list of species categories is denoted in benchmark_categories.yml (included in GCPy) as follows:

      Dust: DST1, DST2, DST3, DST4
      Inorganic: NH4, NIT, SO4
      SOA: Complex_SOA, Simple_SOA
   Bromine: Bry, BrOx, Br, Br2, BrCl, BrNO2, BrNO3, BrO,
      CH3Br, CH2Br2, CHBr3, HOBr, HBr
   Chlorine: Cly, ClOx, Cl, ClO, Cl2, Cl2O2, ClOO, ClNO2, ClNO3,
      CCl4, CFCs, CH3Cl, CH2Cl2, CH3CCl3, CHCl3, HOCl, HCl, Halons, HCFCs, OClO
   Iodine: Iy, IxOy, I, I2, IBr, ICl, IO, ION, IONO2, CH3I, CH2I2,
      CH2ICl, CH2IBr, HI, HOI, OIO
   Nitrogen: NOy, NOx, HNO2, HNO3, HNO4, MPAN, NIT, 'NO', NO2, NO3,
       N2O5, MPN, PAN, PPN, N2O, NHx, NH3, NH4, MENO3, ETNO3, IPRNO3, NPRNO3
   Oxidants: O3, CO, OH, NOx
      Alcohols: EOH, MOH
      Biogenics: ISOP, MTPA, MTPO, LIMO
      HCs: ALK4, BENZ, CH4, C2H6, C3H8, PRPE, TOLU, XYLE
      ROy: H2O2, H, H2, H2O, HO2, O1D, OH, RO2
      Complex_SOA: TSOA0, TSOA1, TSOA2, TSOA3, ASOA1, ASOA2, ASOA3,
      Simple_SOA: SOAP, SOAS
      Acids: ACTA
      Aldehydes: ALD2, CH2O, HPALDs, MACR
      Epoxides: IEPOX
      Ketones: ACET, MEK, MVK
      Nitrates: ISOPN
      Other: GLYX, HCOOH, MAP, RCHO
      Peroxides: MP
   Sulfur: SOx, DMS, OCS, SO2, SO4
   RnPbBeTracers: Rn222, Pb210, Pb210Strat, Be7, Be7Strat, Be10, Be10Strat
   PassiveTracers: PassiveTracer, SF6Tracer, CH3ITracer, COAnthroEmis25dayTracer,
       COAnthroEmis50dayTracer, COUniformEmis25dayTracer, GlobEmis90dayTracer,
       NHEmis90dayTracer, SHEmis90dayTracer



def make_benchmark_emis_plots(ref, refstr, dev, devstr, dst="./benchmark",
   subdst=None, plot_by_spc_cat=False, plot_by_hco_cat=False, overwrite=False,
   verbose=False,   flip_ref=False, flip_dev=False, log_color_scale=False,
   sigdiff_files=None, weightsdir='.', n_job=-1, spcdb_dir=os.path.dirname(__file__)
   Creates PDF files containing plots of emissions for model
   benchmarking purposes. This function is compatible with benchmark
   simulation output only. It is not compatible with transport tracers
   emissions diagnostics.

      (1) If both plot_by_spc_cat and plot_by_hco_cat are
         False, then all emission plots will be placed into the
         same PDF file.

      (2) Emissions that are 3-dimensional will be plotted as
         column sums.

Function-specific keyword args:

plot_by_spc_cat : bool
Set this flag to True to separate plots into PDF files

according to the benchmark species categories (e.g. Oxidants, Aerosols, Nitrogen, etc.) These categories are specified in the YAML file benchmark_species.yml.

Default value: False

plot_by_hco_cat : bool

Set this flag to True to separate plots into PDF files according to HEMCO emissions categories (e.g. Anthro, Aircraft, Bioburn, etc.)

Default value: False

flip_ref : bool

Set this flag to True to reverse the vertical level ordering in the “Ref” dataset (in case “Ref” starts from the top of atmosphere instead of the surface).

Default value: False

flip_dev : bool

Set this flag to True to reverse the vertical level ordering in the “Dev” dataset (in case “Dev” starts from the top of atmosphere instead of the surface).

Default value: False

This function generates plots of total emissions using output from HEMCO_diagnostics (for GEOS-Chem Classic) and/or GCHP.Emissions output files.


def make_benchmark_jvalue_plots(ref, refstr, dev, devstr, varlist=None,
    dst="./benchmark", subdst=None, local_noon_jvalues=False,
    plots=["sfc", "500hpa", "zonalmean"],overwrite=False, verbose=False,
    flip_ref=False, flip_dev=False, log_color_scale=False, sigdiff_files=None,
    weightsdir='.', n_job=-1, spcdb_dir=os.path.dirname(__file__)
   Creates PDF files containing plots of J-values for model
   benchmarking purposes.

       Will create 4 files containing J-value plots:
         (1 ) Surface values
         (2 ) 500 hPa values
         (3a) Full-column zonal mean values.
         (3b) Stratospheric zonal mean values
       These can be toggled on/off with the plots keyword argument.

       At present, we do not yet have the capability to split the
       plots up into separate files per category (e.g. Oxidants,
       Aerosols, etc.).  This is primarily due to the fact that
       we archive J-values from GEOS-Chem for individual species
       but not family species.  We could attempt to add this
       functionality later if there is sufficient demand.

Function-specific keyword args:

varlist : list of str

List of J-value variables to plot. If not passed, then all J-value variables common to both dev and ref will be plotted. The varlist argument can be a useful way of restricting the number of variables plotted to the pdf file when debugging.

Default value: None

local_noon_jvalues : bool

Set this flag to plot local noon J-values. This will divide all J-value variables by the JNoonFrac counter, which is the fraction of the time that it was local noon at each location.

Default value: False

plots : list of strings

List of plot types to create.

Default value: [‘sfc’, ‘500hpa’, ‘zonalmean’]

flip_ref : bool

Set this flag to True to reverse the vertical level ordering in the “Ref” dataset (in case “Ref” starts from the top of atmosphere instead of the surface).

Default value: False

flip_dev : bool

Set this flag to True to reverse the vertical level ordering in the “Dev” dataset (in case “Dev” starts from the top of atmosphere instead of the surface).

Default value: False

This function generates plots of J-values using the JValues GEOS-Chem output files.


def make_benchmark_wetdep_plots(ref, refstr, dev, devstr, collection,
    dst="./benchmark", datestr=None, overwrite=False, verbose=False,
    benchmark_type="TransportTracersBenchmark", plots=["sfc", "500hpa", "zonalmean"],
    log_color_scale=False, normalize_by_area=False, areas=None, refmet=None,
    devmet=None, weightsdir='.', n_job=-1, spcdb_dir=os.path.dirname(__file__)
   Creates PDF files containing plots of species concentration
   for model benchmarking purposes.

Function-specific keyword args:

datestr : str

A string with date information to be included in both the plot pdf filename and as a destination folder subdirectory for writing plots

Default value: None

benchmark_type: str

A string denoting the type of benchmark output to plot, either FullChemBenchmark or TransportTracersBenchmark.

Default value: “FullChemBenchmark”

plots : list of strings

List of plot types to create.

Default value: [‘sfc’, ‘500hpa’, ‘zonalmean’]

normalize_by_area: bool

Set this flag to true to enable normalization of data by surfacea area (i.e. kg s-1 –> kg s-1 m-2).

Default value: False

areas : dict of xarray DataArray:

Grid box surface areas in m2 on Ref and Dev grids.

Default value: None

refmet : str

Path name for ref meteorology

Default value: None

devmet : str

Path name for dev meteorology

Default value: None

This function generates plots of wet deposition using WetLossConv and WetLossLS GEOS-Chem output files. It is currently primarily used for 1-Year Transport Tracer benchmarks, plotting values for the following species as defined in benchmark_categories.yml:

   WetLossConv: Pb210, Pb210Strat, Be7, Be7Strat, Be10, Be10Strat
   WetLossLS: Pb210, Pb210Strat, Be7, Be7Strat, Be10, Be10Strat