
This page describes the regridding capabilities of GCPy. GCPy currently supports regridding of data from GEOS-Chem restarts and output NetCDF files. Regridding is supported across any horizontal resolution and any grid type available in GEOS-Chem, including lat/lon (global or non-global), global standard cubed-sphere, and global stretched-grid. GCPy also supports arbitrary vertical regridding across different vertical resolutions. .. _regrid-plot:

Regridding for Plotting in GCPy

When plotting in GCPy (e.g. through compare_single_level() or compare_zonal_mean()), the vast majority of regridding is handled internally. You can optionally request a specific horizontal comparison resolution in compare_single_level()` and compare_zonal_mean(). Note that all regridding in these plotting functions only applies to the comparison panels (not the top two panels which show data directly from each dataset). There are only two scenarios where you will need to pass extra information to GCPy to help it determine grids and to regrid when plotting.

Pass stretched-grid file paths

Stretched-grid parameters cannot currently be automatically determined from grid coordinates. If you are plotting stretched-grid data in compare_single_level() or compare_zonal_mean() (even if regridding to another format), you need to use the sg_ref_path or sg_dev_path arguments to pass the path of your original stretched-grid restart file to GCPy. If using single_panel(), pass the file path using sg_path. Stretched-grid restart files created using GCPy contain the specified stretch factor, target longitude, and target latitude in their metadata. Currently, output files from stretched-grid runs of GCHP do not contain any metadata that specifies the stretched-grid used.

Pass vertical grid parameters for non-72/47-level grids

GCPy automatically handles regridding between different vertical grids when plotting except when you pass a dataset that is not on the typical 72-level or 47-level vertical grids. If using a different vertical grid, you will need to pass the corresponding grid parameters using the ref_vert_params or dev_vert_params keyword arguments.

Automatic regridding decision process

When you do not specify a horizontal comparison resolution using the cmpres argument in compare_single_level() and compare_zonal_mean(), GCPy follows several steps to determine what comparison resolution it should use:

  • If both input grids are lat/lon, use the highest resolution between them (don’t regrid if they are the same resolution).

  • Else if one grid is lat/lon and the other is cubed-sphere (standard or stretched-grid), use a 1x1.25 lat/lon grid.

  • Else if both grids are cubed-sphere and you are plotting zonal means, use a 1x1.25 lat/lon grid.

  • Else if both grids are standard cubed-sphere, use the highest resolution between them (don’t regrid if they are the same resolution).

  • Else if one or more grids is a stretched-grid, use the grid of the ref dataset.

For differing vertical grids, the smaller vertical grid is currently used for comparisons.

Regridding Files

You can regrid existing GEOS-Chem restart or output diagnostic files between lat/lon and cubed-sphere formats using gcpy.file_regrid. gcpy.file_regrid can either be called directly from the command line using python -m gcpy.file_regrid or as a function (gcpy.file_regrid.file_regrid()) from a Python script or interpreter. The syntax of file_regrid is as follows:

def file_regrid(fin, fout, dim_format_in, dim_format_out,
cs_res_out=0, ll_res_out='0x0',
sg_params_in=[1.0, 170.0, -90.0], sg_params_out=[1.0, 170.0, -90.0]
Regrids an input file to a new horizontal grid specification and saves it
as a new file.

Required Arguments:

fin : str

The input filename

fout : str

The output filename (file will be overwritten if it already exists)

dim_format_in : str

Format of the input file’s dimensions (choose from: classic, checkpoint, diagnostic), where classic denotes lat/lon and checkpoint / diagnostic are cubed-sphere formats

dim_format_out : str

Format of the output file’s dimensions (choose from: classic, checkpoint, diagnostic), where classic denotes lat/lon and checkpoint / diagnostic are cubed-sphere formats

Optional arguments:

cs_res_out : int

The cubed-sphere resolution of the output dataset. Not used if dim_format_out is classic.

Default value: 0

ll_res_out : str

The lat/lon resolution of the output dataset. Not used if dim_format_out is not classic/

Default value: ‘0x0’

sg_params_in : list[float, float, float]

Input grid stretching parameters [stretch-factor, target longitude, target latitude]. Not used if dim_format_in is classic

Default value: [1.0, 170.0, -90.0] (No stretching)

sg_params_out : list[float, float, float]

Output grid stretching parameters [stretch-factor, target longitude, target latitude]. Not used if dim_format_out is classic.

Default value: [1.0, 170.0, -90.0] (No stretching)

There are three dimension formats available for regridding: classic (GEOS-Chem Classic lat/lon format), checkpoint (GCHP restart file format), and diagnostic (GCHP output file format). You can regrid between any of these formats using file_regrid, as well as between different resolutions and/or grid-types within each dimension format (e.g. standard cubed-sphere checkpoint to stretched-grid checkpoint). Note that although the cs_res_out and ll_res_out parameters are technically optional in the function, you must specify at least one of these in your call to file_regrid.

As stated previously, you can either call file_regrid.file_regrid() directly or call it from the command line using python -m gcpy.file_regrid ARGS. An example command line call (separated by line for readability) for regridding a C90 cubed-sphere restart file to a C48 stretched-grid with a stretch factor of 3, a target longitude of 260.0, and a target latitude of 40.0 looks like:

python -m gcpy.file_regrid             \
      -i   \
      --dim_format_in checkpoint      \
      -o       \
      --cs_res_out 48            \
      --sg_params_out 3.0 260.0 40.0      \
      --dim_format_out checkpoint

Regridding with gridspec and sparselt

GCPy 1.3.0 and later supports regridding with the gridspec and sparselt utilities.

First-time setup

  1. Install command line tool gridspec in your bin directory

    $ pip install git+
  2. Make sure location of installation is added to path in your bashrc (or equivalent)

    $ export PATH=/path/to/home/.local/bin:$PATH
  3. Install sparselt as a python package.

    $ conda install -c conda-forge sparselt==0.1.3

One-time setup per grid resolution combination

  1. Create a directory structure to store files that you will use in regridding. Ideally this would be in a shared location where all of the GCPy users at your institution coud access it.

    Navigate to this directory.

    $ mkdir /path/to/RegridInfo
  2. Within this top level directory, create two directories that will store grid information and regridding weights. Navigate to the grid information folder.

    $ mkdir Grids
    $ mkdir Weights
    $ cd Grids
  3. Create tilefiles (if cubed-sphere) and grid spec file for each input and output grid resolution (see also gridspec README):

    For uniform cubed-sphere global grid, specify face side length.

    1. For simplicity, keep all cubed-sphere data in subdirectories of the Grids folder.

      $ mkdir c24
      $ gridspec-create gcs 24
      $ mv c24*.nc c24
      $ mkdir c48
      $ gridspec-create gcs 48
      $ mv c48*.nc c48
       ... etc for other grids ...
    2. For cubed-sphere stretched grid, specify face side length, stretch factor, and target latitude and longitude:

      $ mkdir sc24
      $ gridspec-create sgcs 24 -s 2 -t 40 -100
      $ mv *c24*.nc sc24
    3. For uniform global lat-lon grid, specify the number of latitude and longitude grid boxes. For a list of optional settings, run the command gridspec-create latlon --help.

      Create a subdirectory named latlon and move all of your latlon grid specification files there.

      $ gridspec-create latlon 90 180                # Generic 1 x 1 grid
      $ gridspec-create latlon 46 72 -dc -pc -hp     # GEOS-Chem Classic 4 x 5
      $ gridspec-create latlon 91 144 -dc -pc -hp    # GEOS-Chem Classic 2 x 2.5
      $ gridspec-create latlon 361 576 -dc -pc -hp   # MERRA-2 0.5 x 0.625
      $ gridspec-create latlon 721 1172 -dc -pc -hp  # GEOS-FP 0.25 x  0.3125
      $ mkdir latlon
      $ mv regular_lat_lon*.nc latlon
  4. (Optional) View contents of grid spec file:

    $ gridspec-dump c24/
    ... etc. for other grids ...
  5. Initialize your GCPy conda environmnt (which includes ESMF as a dependency):

    $ conda activate gcpy_env
  6. Navigate to the directory that will store the regridding weights. (Recall that we created this in created this in step #2.

    $ cd /path/to/RegridInfo/Weights
  7. Generate regridding weights (see also sparselt sample data files README), specifying the following:

    • Path to input file horizontal resolution grid spec netcdf file

    • Path to output file horizontal resolution grid spec netcdf file

    • Regridding type, e.g. conserve for conservative (string)

    • Name of output regridding weights file (include input and output resolutions)

    • Name of directory containing grid spec tilefiles

    (gcpy_env) $ /ESMF_RegridWeightGen                                  \
                 -s /path/to/RegridInfo/Grids/c48/       \
                 -d /path/to/RegridInfo/Grids/ \
                 -m conserve                                            \
                 -w ./             \
                 --tilefile_path /path/to/RegridInfo/Grids/c48
    ... etc. for other grid combinations ...
  8. (Optional) Consider using a bash script such as the one shown below if you need to create regridding weights to/from several grids.

    # Generates regridding weights with ESMF_RegridWeightGen
    # The top-level directory containing Grids and Weights subdirectories
    # Subdirectories for grid specifications and regridding weights
    # GCHP cubed-sphere grids (EDIT AS NEEDED)
    cs_list=(c24 c48 c90 c180 c360)
    # GCClassic lat-lon grids (EDIT AS NEEDED)
    ll_list=(46x72 91x144 361x576 721x1172)
    # Loop over cubed-sphere grids
    for cs in ${cs_list[@]}; do
        # Cubed-sphere gridspec file
        if [[ ! -f ${cs_grid_info} ]]; then
            echo "Could not find ${cs_grid_info}!"
            exit 1
        # Loop over latlon grids
        for ll in ${ll_list[@]}; do
            # Latlon gridspec file
            if [[ ! -f ${ll_grid_info} ]]; then
                echo "Could not find ${ll_grid_info}!"
                exit 1
            # Cubed-sphere -> latlon regridding
            echo "----"
            echo "Regridding from ${cs} to ${ll}"
            ESMF_RegridWeightGen                  \
                -s ${cs_grid_info}                \
                -d ${ll_grid_info}                \
                -m conserve                       \
                -w ${weightfile}                  \
                --tilefile_path ${grids_dir}/${cs}
            unset weightfile
            # Latlon -> cubed-sphere regridding
            echo "----"
            echo "Regridding from ${ll} to ${cs}"
            ESMF_RegridWeightGen                  \
                -s ${ll_grid_info}                \
                -d ${cs_grid_info}                \
                -m conserve                       \
                -w ${weightfile}                  \
                --tilefile_path ${grids_dir}/${cs}
            unset weightfile

Sample regridding script

Once you have created the tilefiles and regridding weights, you can use them to regrid data files. Shown below is a sample Python script that you can modify.

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Imports
import xarray as xr
import sparselt.esmf
import sparselt.xr

# Create a linear transform object from the regridding weights file
# for the combination of source and target horizontal resolutions.
transform = sparselt.esmf.load_weights(
     input_dims=[('nf', 'Ydim', 'Xdim'), (6, 48, 48)]
     output_dims=[('lat', 'lon'), (90, 180)],

# Open file to regrid as xarray DataSet.
ds = xr.open_dataset('')

# Regrid the DataSet using the transform object.
ds = sparselt.xr.apply(transform, ds)

# Write xarray DataSet contents to netcdf file.