
The GEOS-Chem Support Team uses GCPy to produce comparison plots and summary tables from GEOS-Chem benchmark simulations. In this chapter we will describe this capability of GCPy.

Location of benchmark plotting scripts

The source code for creating benchmark plots is located in the gcpy/benchmark directory tree.

Contents of the gcpy/benchmark directory

File or folder


Benchmark driver script

Bash script to submit run_benchmark,py as a SLURM batch job


Directory containing template config files (in YAML format) for 1-hour and 1-month benchmark plot jobs on the AWS cloud.


Directory containing editable config files (in YAML format) for 1-month and 1-year benchmark plot jobs.

Python import script


Contains Python modules imported into the script.

Readme file in Markdown format


As of this writing, the benchmarking scripts still use several plotting and tabling functions from module gcpy.benchmark_funcs. We are currently in the process of moving the functions contained in gcpy.benchmark_funcs to the gcpy/benchmark/modules directory.

Steps to create benchmark plots

Follow these instructions to create comparison plots and summary tables from GEOS-Chem benchmark simulations.

  1. Copy a configuration file from the gcpy/benchmark/config directory.

    In this example we will use the configuration file that will create plots from 1-year full-chemistry benchmark simulations. (Configuration files for other benchmark types have a similar layout.)

    $ cp /path/to/GCPy/gcpy/benchmark/config/1yr_fullchem_benchmark.yml .

  2. Edit the paths section of the configuration file to specify the proper directory paths for your system.

    # Configuration for 1-year FullChemBenchmark
    # paths:
    #   main_dir:     High-level directory containing ref & dev rundirs
    #   results_dir:  Directory where plots/tables will be created
    #   weights_dir:  Path to regridding weights
    #   spcdb_dir:    Folder in which the species_database.yml file is
    #                  located.  If set to "default", then will look for
    #                  species_database.yml in one of the Dev rundirs.
    #   obs_data_dir: Path to observational data (for models vs obs plots)
      main_dir: /path/to/benchmark/main/dir    # EDIT AS NEEDED
      results_dir: /path/to/BenchmarkResults   # EDIT AS NEEDED
      weights_dir: /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/data/ExtData/GCHP/RegriddingWeights
      spcdb_dir: default
      obs_data_dir: /path/to/observational/data

  3. Edit the data section to specify the directories (and labels) for the Ref and Dev versions for GEOS-Chem Classic and GCHP.

    # data: Contains configurations for ref and dev runs
    #   version:         Version string (must not contain spaces)
    #   dir:             Path to run directory
    #   outputs_subdir:  Subdirectory w/ GEOS-Chem diagnostic files
    #   restarts_subdir: Subdirectory w/ GEOS-Chem restarts
    #   bmk_start:       Simulation start date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
    #   bmk_end:         Simulation end date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
    #   resolution:      GCHP resolution string
          version: GCC_ref
          dir: GCC_ref
          outputs_subdir: OutputDir
          restarts_subdir: Restarts
          bmk_start: "2019-01-01T00:00:00"
          bmk_end: "2020-01-01T00:00:00"
          version: GCC_dev
          dir: GCC_dev
          outputs_subdir: OutputDir
          restarts_subdir: Restarts
          bmk_start: "2019-01-01T00:00:00"
          bmk_end: "2020-01-01T00:00:00"
          is_pre_14.0: False
          resolution: c24
          version: GCC_dev
          dir: GCC_dev
          outputs_subdir: OutputDir
          restarts_subdir: Restarts
          bmk_start: "2019-01-01T00:00:00"
          bmk_end: "2020-01-01T00:00:00"
          version: GCC_dev
          dir: GCC_dev
          restarts_subdir: Restarts
          bmk_start: "2019-01-01T00:00:00"
          bmk_end: "2020-01-01T00:00:00"
          is_pre_14.0: False
          resolution: c24

  4. Edit the comparisons section to specify the types of comparisons you would like to perform.

    # comparisons: Specifies the comparisons to perform.
        run: True
        dir: GCC_version_comparison
        tables_subdir: Tables
        run: True
        dir: GCHP_GCC_comparison
        tables_subdir: Tables
        run: True
        dir: GCHP_version_comparison
        tables_subdir: Tables
        run: True
        dir: GCHP_GCC_diff_of_diffs
  5. Edit the outputs section to select the plots and tables that you would like to generate.

    # outputs: Specifies the plots and tables to generate
       plot_conc: True
       plot_emis: True
       emis_table: True
       plot_jvalues: True
       plot_aod: True
       mass_table: True
       ops_budget_table: False
       aer_budget_table: True
       Ox_budget_table: True
       ste_table: True # GCC only
       OH_metrics: True
       plot_models_vs_obs: True
         by_spc_cat: True
         by_hco_cat: True

  6. Edit the n_cores setting if you wish to change the number of computational cores to use. If not, leave n_cores set to -1, which will use as many cores as possible.

    # n_cores: Specify the number of cores to use.
    # -1: Use $OMP_NUM_THREADS         cores
    # -2: Use $OMP_NUM_THREADS - 1     cores
    # -N: Use $OMP_NUM_THREADS - (N-1) cores
    #  1: Disable parallelization (use a single core)
    n_cores: -1

  7. Run the script. You may do this in 2 ways:

    1. Direct execution from the command line:

      (gcpy_env) $ python -m gcpy.benchmark.run_benchmark
    2. Batch execution with the SLURM scheduler. First, copy the script to your current directory:

      (gcpy_env) $ cp /path/to/GCPy/gcpy/benchmark/ .

      Next, edit your local copy of to specify your SLURM partition name, number of cores, the name of your Python environment and the configuration file to use.

      #SBATCH -c 8
      #SBATCH -N 1
      #SBATCH -t 0-4:00
      #SBATCH -p seas_compute,shared
      #SBATCH --mem=100000
      #SBATCH --mail-type=END
      # This us a sample SLURM script that you can use to run the GCPy
      # benchmark plotting code as a SLURM batch job.
      # You can modify the SLURM parameters above for your setup.
      # Tip: Using less cores can reduce the amount of memory required.
      # Apply all bash initialization settings
      . ~/.bashrc
      # Make sure to set multiple threads; Joblib will use multiple
      # cores to parallelize certain plotting operations.
      export OMP_STACKSIZE=500m
      # Turn on Python environment (edit for your setup)
      mamba activate gcpy_env
      # Specify a YAML file with benchmark options
      # Uncomment the file that you wish:
      # Call the run_benchmark script to make the plots
      python -m gcpy.benchmark.run_benchmark "${config}" > benchmark.log 2>&1
      # Turn off python environment
      mamba deactivate
      exit 0

      Lastly, start the SLURM batch execution with this command:

      $ sbatch

Benchmark plotting functions

Module gcpy.benchmark_funcs contains several functions for creating plots and tables from GEOS-Chem benchmark simulations. The specific outputs generated have been requested by the GEOS-Chem Steering Committee in order to facilitate comparing benchmark output from different model versions.

In this section, we will describe functions that create comparison plots from GEOS-Chem benchmark simulation output. The functions to create summary tables will be described in a separate section.


We are working towards moving all benchmark-related source code to the gcpy/benchmark/ directory tree. For the time being, the script is located in the /path/to/GCPy/gcpy/ directory.

Functions creating comparison plots from benchmark simulation output


Type of 6-panel comparison plot created


Comparison plots for aerosol optical depth


Species concentration


Emissions (by species and catgegory)


Comparison plots for J-values (photolysis)


Comparison plots for species wet deposition

The functions listed above create comparison plots of most GEOS-Chem output variables divided into specific categories, e.g. species categories such as Aerosols or Bromine for the SpeciesConcVV diagnostic. In eachcategory, these function create single level PDFs for the surface and 500hPa and zonal mean PDFs for the entire atmosphere and only the stratosphere (defined a 1-100hPa). For make_benchmark_emis_plots(), only single level plots at the surface are produced. All of these plotting functions include bookmarks within the generated PDFs that point to the pages containing each plotted quantity. Thus these functions serve as tools for quickly creating comprehensive plots comparing two GEOS-Chem runs. These functions are used to create the publicly available plots for 1-month and 1-year benchmarks of new versions of GEOS-Chem.

Many of the plotting functions listed above use pre-defined lists of variables in YAML files. If one dataset includes a variable but the other dataset does not, the data for that variable in the latter dataset will be considered to be NaN and will be plotted as such.


This function creates column optical depth plots using the Aerosols diagnostic output.

def make_benchmark_aod_plots(
    Creates PDF files containing plots of column aerosol optical
    depths (AODs) for model benchmarking purposes.

        ref: str
            Path name for the "Ref" (aka "Reference") data set.
        refstr: str
            A string to describe ref (e.g. version number)
        dev: str
            Path name for the "Dev" (aka "Development") data set.
            This data set will be compared against the "Reference"
            data set.
        devstr: str
            A string to describe dev (e.g. version number)

    Keyword Args (optional):
        varlist: list of str
            List of AOD variables to plot.  If not passed, then all
            AOD variables common to both Dev and Ref will be plotted.
            Use the varlist argument to restrict the number of
            variables plotted to the pdf file when debugging.
            Default value: None
        dst: str
            A string denoting the destination folder where a
            PDF file  containing plots will be written.
            Default value: ./benchmark.
        subdst: str
            A string denoting the sub-directory of dst where PDF
            files containing plots will be written.  In practice,
            subdst is only needed for the 1-year benchmark output,
            and denotes a date string (such as "Jan2016") that
            corresponds to the month that is being plotted.
            Default value: None
        cmpres: string
            Grid resolution at which to compare ref and dev data, e.g. '1x1.25'
        overwrite: bool
            Set this flag to True to overwrite files in the
            destination folder (specified by the dst argument).
            Default value: False.
        verbose: bool
            Set this flag to True to print extra informational output.
            Default value: False
        log_color_scale: bool
            Set this flag to True to enable plotting data (not diffs)
            on a log color scale.
            Default value: False
        sigdiff_files: list of str
            Filenames that will contain the list of quantities having
            having significant differences in the column AOD plots.
            These lists are needed in order to fill out the benchmark
            approval forms.
            Default value: None
        weightsdir: str
            Directory in which to place (and possibly reuse) xESMF regridder
            netCDF files.
            Default value: '.'
        n_job: int
            Defines the number of simultaneous workers for parallel plotting.
            Set to 1 to disable parallel plotting. Value of -1 allows the
            application to decide.
            Default value: -1
        spcdb_dir: str
            Directory of species_datbase.yml file
            Default value: Directory of GCPy code repository
        time_mean : bool
            Determines if we should average the datasets over time
            Default value: False


This function creates species concentration plots using the SpeciesConc diagnostic output by default. In particular:

  • This function is the only benchmark plotting function that supports diff-of-diffs plotting, in which 4 datasets are passed and the differences between two groups of Ref datasets vs. two groups of Dev datasets is plotted (typically used for comparing changes in GCHP vs. changes in GEOS-Chem Classic across model versions).

  • This is also the only benchmark plotting function that sends plots to separate folders based on category (as denoted by the plot_by_spc_cat flag). The full list of species categories is denoted in benchmark_categories.yml (included in GCPy).

  • In this function, parallelization occurs at the species category level. In all other functions, parallelization occurs within calls to compare_single_level() and compare_zonal_mean().=

def make_benchmark_conc_plots(
        plots=["sfc", "500hpa", "zonalmean"],
        cats_in_ugm3=["Aerosols", "Secondary_Organic_Aerosols"],
    Creates PDF files containing plots of species concentration
    for model benchmarking purposes.

        ref: str
            Path name for the "Ref" (aka "Reference") data set.
        refstr: str
            A string to describe ref (e.g. version number)
        dev: str
            Path name for the "Dev" (aka "Development") data set.
            This data set will be compared against the "Reference"
            data set.
        devstr: str
            A string to describe dev (e.g. version number)

    Keyword Args (optional):
        dst: str
            A string denoting the destination folder where a PDF
            file containing plots will be written.
            Default value: ./benchmark
        subdst: str
            A string denoting the sub-directory of dst where PDF
            files containing plots will be written.  In practice,
            subdst is only needed for the 1-year benchmark output,
            and denotes a date string (such as "Jan2016") that
            corresponds to the month that is being plotted.
            Default value: None
        overwrite: bool
            Set this flag to True to overwrite files in the
            destination folder (specified by the dst argument).
            Default value: False
        verbose: bool
            Set this flag to True to print extra informational output.
            Default value: False
        collection: str
            Name of collection to use for plotting.
            Default value: "SpeciesConc"
        benchmark_type: str
            A string denoting the type of benchmark output to plot, options are
            FullChemBenchmark, TransportTracersBenchmark, or CH4Benchmark.
            Default value: "FullChemBenchmark"
        cmpres: string
            Grid resolution at which to compare ref and dev data, e.g. '1x1.25'
        plot_by_spc_cat: logical
            Set this flag to False to send plots to one file rather
            than separate file per category.
            Default value: True
        restrict_cats: list of strings
            List of benchmark categories in benchmark_categories.yml to make
            plots for. If empty, plots are made for all categories.
            Default value: empty
        plots: list of strings
            List of plot types to create.
            Default value: ['sfc', '500hpa', 'zonalmean']
        log_color_scale: bool
            Set this flag to True to enable plotting data (not diffs)
            on a log color scale.
            Default value: False
        normalize_by_area: bool
            Set this flag to true to enable normalization of data
            by surfacea area (i.e. kg s-1 --> kg s-1 m-2).
            Default value: False
        cats_in_ugm3: list of str
            List of benchmark categories to to convert to ug/m3
            Default value: ["Aerosols", "Secondary_Organic_Aerosols"]
        areas: dict of xarray DataArray:
            Grid box surface areas in m2 on Ref and Dev grids.
            Default value: None
        refmet: str
            Path name for ref meteorology
            Default value: None
        devmet: str
            Path name for dev meteorology
            Default value: None
        sigdiff_files: list of str
            Filenames that will contain the lists of species having
            significant differences in the 'sfc', '500hpa', and
            'zonalmean' plots.  These lists are needed in order to
            fill out the benchmark approval forms.
            Default value: None
        weightsdir: str
            Directory in which to place (and possibly reuse) xESMF regridder
            netCDF files.
            Default value: '.'
        n_job: int
            Defines the number of simultaneous workers for parallel plotting.
            Set to 1 to disable parallel plotting. Value of -1 allows the
            application to decide.
            Default value: -1
        second_ref: str
            Path name for a second "Ref" (aka "Reference") data set for
            diff-of-diffs plotting. This dataset should have the same model
            type and grid as ref.
            Default value: None
        second_dev: str
            Path name for a second "Ref" (aka "Reference") data set for
            diff-of-diffs plotting. This dataset should have the same model
            type and grid as ref.
            Default value: None
        spcdb_dir: str
            Directory of species_datbase.yml file
            Default value: Directory of GCPy code repository
        time_mean : bool
            Determines if we should average the datasets over time
            Default value: False


This function generates plots of total emissions using output from HEMCO_diagnostics.* (for GEOS-Chem Classic) and/or GCHP.Emissions.* output files.

def make_benchmark_emis_plots(
    Creates PDF files containing plots of emissions for model
    benchmarking purposes. This function is compatible with benchmark
    simulation output only. It is not compatible with transport tracers
    emissions diagnostics.

        ref: str
            Path name for the "Ref" (aka "Reference") data set.
        refstr: str
            A string to describe ref (e.g. version number)
        dev: str
            Path name for the "Dev" (aka "Development") data set.
            This data set will be compared against the "Reference"
            data set.
        devstr: str
            A string to describe dev (e.g. version number)

    Keyword Args (optional):
        dst: str
            A string denoting the destination folder where
            PDF files containing plots will be written.
            Default value: './benchmark
        subdst: str
            A string denoting the sub-directory of dst where PDF
            files containing plots will be written.  In practice,
            and denotes a date string (such as "Jan2016") that
            corresponds to the month that is being plotted.
            Default value: None
        plot_by_spc_cat: bool
            Set this flag to True to separate plots into PDF files
            according to the benchmark species categories (e.g. Oxidants,
            Aerosols, Nitrogen, etc.)  These categories are specified
            in the YAML file benchmark_species.yml.
            Default value: False
        plot_by_hco_cat: bool
            Set this flag to True to separate plots into PDF files
            according to HEMCO emissions categories (e.g. Anthro,
            Aircraft, Bioburn, etc.)
            Default value: False
        benchmark_type: str
            A string denoting the type of benchmark output to plot, options are
            FullChemBenchmark, TransportTracersBenchmark, or CH4Benchmark.
            Default value: "FullChemBenchmark"
        cmpres: string
            Grid resolution at which to compare ref and dev data, e.g. '1x1.25'
        overwrite: bool
            Set this flag to True to overwrite files in the
            destination folder (specified by the dst argument).
            Default value: False
        verbose: bool
            Set this flag to True to print extra informational output.
            Default value: False
        flip_ref: bool
            Set this flag to True to reverse the vertical level
            ordering in the "Ref" dataset (in case "Ref" starts
            from the top of atmosphere instead of the surface).
            Default value: False
        flip_dev: bool
            Set this flag to True to reverse the vertical level
            ordering in the "Dev" dataset (in case "Dev" starts
            from the top of atmosphere instead of the surface).
            Default value: False
        log_color_scale: bool
            Set this flag to True to enable plotting data (not diffs)
            on a log color scale.
            Default value: False
         sigdiff_files: list of str
            Filenames that will contain the lists of species having
            significant differences in the 'sfc', '500hpa', and
            'zonalmean' plots.  These lists are needed in order to
            fill out the benchmark approval forms.
            Default value: None
        weightsdir: str
            Directory in which to place (and possibly reuse) xESMF regridder
            netCDF files.
            Default value: '.'
        n_job: int
            Defines the number of simultaneous workers for parallel plotting.
            Set to 1 to disable parallel plotting.
            Value of -1 allows the application to decide.
            Default value: -1
        spcdb_dir: str
            Directory of species_datbase.yml file
            Default value: Directory of GCPy code repository
        time_mean : bool
            Determines if we should average the datasets over time
            Default value: False

        (1) If both plot_by_spc_cat and plot_by_hco_cat are
            False, then all emission plots will be placed into the
            same PDF file.

        (2) Emissions that are 3-dimensional will be plotted as
            column sums.
           column sums.


This function generates plots of J-values using the JValues GEOS-Chem output files.

def make_benchmark_jvalue_plots(
        plots=["sfc", "500hpa", "zonalmean"],
    Creates PDF files containing plots of J-values for model
    benchmarking purposes.

        ref: str
            Path name for the "Ref" (aka "Reference") data set.
        refstr: str
            A string to describe ref (e.g. version number)
        dev: str
            Path name for the "Dev" (aka "Development") data set.
            This data set will be compared against the "Reference"
            data set.
        devstr: str
            A string to describe dev (e.g. version number)

    Keyword Args (optional):
        varlist: list of str
            List of J-value variables to plot.  If not passed,
            then all J-value variables common to both dev
            and ref will be plotted.  The varlist argument can be
            a useful way of restricting the number of variables
            plotted to the pdf file when debugging.
            Default value: None
        dst: str
            A string denoting the destination folder where a
            PDF file  containing plots will be written.
            Default value: ./benchmark.
        subdst: str
            A string denoting the sub-directory of dst where PDF
            files containing plots will be written.  In practice,
            subdst is only needed for the 1-year benchmark output,
            and denotes a date string (such as "Jan2016") that
            corresponds to the month that is being plotted.
            Default value: None
        local_noon_jvalues: bool
            Set this flag to plot local noon J-values.  This will
            divide all J-value variables by the JNoonFrac counter,
            which is the fraction of the time that it was local noon
            at each location.
            Default value: False
        cmpres: string
            Grid resolution at which to compare ref and dev data, e.g. '1x1.25'
        plots: list of strings
            List of plot types to create.
            Default value: ['sfc', '500hpa', 'zonalmean']
        overwrite: bool
            Set this flag to True to overwrite files in the
            destination folder (specified by the dst argument).
            Default value: False.
        verbose: bool
            Set this flag to True to print extra informational output.
            Default value: False
        flip_ref: bool
            Set this flag to True to reverse the vertical level
            ordering in the "Ref" dataset (in case "Ref" starts
            from the top of atmosphere instead of the surface).
            Default value: False
        flip_dev: bool
            Set this flag to True to reverse the vertical level
            ordering in the "Dev" dataset (in case "Dev" starts
            from the top of atmosphere instead of the surface).
            Default value: False
        log_color_scale: bool
            Set this flag to True if you wish to enable plotting data
            (not diffs) on a log color scale.
            Default value: False
        sigdiff_files: list of str
            Filenames that will contain the lists of J-values having
            significant differences in the 'sfc', '500hpa', and
            'zonalmean' plots.  These lists are needed in order to
            fill out the benchmark approval forms.
            Default value: None
        weightsdir: str
            Directory in which to place (and possibly reuse) xESMF regridder
            netCDF files.
            Default value: '.'
        n_job: int
            Defines the number of simultaneous workers for parallel plotting.
            Set to 1 to disable parallel plotting. Value of -1 allows the
            application to decide.
            Default value: -1
        spcdb_dir: str
            Directory of species_datbase.yml file
            Default value: Directory of GCPy code repository
        time_mean : bool
            Determines if we should average the datasets over time
            Default value: False

         Will create 4 files containing J-value plots:
            (1 ) Surface values
            (2 ) 500 hPa values
            (3a) Full-column zonal mean values.
            (3b) Stratospheric zonal mean values
         These can be toggled on/off with the plots keyword argument.

         At present, we do not yet have the capability to split the
         plots up into separate files per category (e.g. Oxidants,
         Aerosols, etc.).  This is primarily due to the fact that
         we archive J-values from GEOS-Chem for individual species
         but not family species.  We could attempt to add this
         functionality later if there is sufficient demand.


This function generates plots of wet deposition using WetLossConv and WetLossLS GEOS-Chem output files. It is currently primarily used for 1-Year Transport Tracer benchmarks, plotting values for the following species as defined in benchmark_categories.yml (included in GCPY).

def make_benchmark_wetdep_plots(
        plots=["sfc", "500hpa", "zonalmean"],
    Creates PDF files containing plots of species concentration
    for model benchmarking purposes.

        ref: str
            Path name for the "Ref" (aka "Reference") data set.
        refstr: str
            A string to describe ref (e.g. version number)
        dev: str
            Path name for the "Dev" (aka "Development") data set.
            This data set will be compared against the "Reference"
            data set.
        devstr: str
            A string to describe dev (e.g. version number)
        collection: str
            String name of collection to plot comparisons for.

    Keyword Args (optional):
        dst: str
            A string denoting the destination folder where a PDF
            file containing plots will be written.
            Default value: ./benchmark
        datestr: str
            A string with date information to be included in both the
            plot pdf filename and as a destination folder subdirectory
            for writing plots
            Default value: None
        benchmark_type: str
            A string denoting the type of benchmark output to plot, options are
            FullChemBenchmark, TransportTracersBenchmark, or CH4Benchmark.
            Default value: "FullChemBenchmark"
        overwrite: bool
            Set this flag to True to overwrite files in the
            destination folder (specified by the dst argument).
            Default value: False.
        verbose: bool
            Set this flag to True to print extra informational output.
            Default value: False.
        plots: list of strings
            List of plot types to create.
            Default value: ['sfc', '500hpa', 'zonalmean']
        normalize_by_area: bool
            Set this flag to true to enable normalization of data
            by surfacea area (i.e. kg s-1 --> kg s-1 m-2).
            Default value: False
        areas: dict of xarray DataArray:
            Grid box surface areas in m2 on Ref and Dev grids.
            Default value: None
        refmet: str
            Path name for ref meteorology
            Default value: None
        devmet: str
            Path name for dev meteorology
            Default value: None
        n_job: int
            Defines the number of simultaneous workers for parallel plotting.
            Set to 1 to disable parallel plotting. Value of -1 allows the
            application to decide.
            Default value: -1
        spcdb_dir: str
            Directory of species_datbase.yml file
            Default value: Directory of GCPy code repository
        time_mean : bool
            Determines if we should average the datasets over time
            Default value: False

Benchmark tabling functions

Functions creating summary tables from benchmark simulation output


Type of summary table created


Global aerosol burdens (1yr benchmarks only)


Emissions (by species & inventory)


Total mass of each species


Mass accumulation for each species


Total mass of a single species at hourly intervals (to check mass conservation)


Global OH metrics (mean OH, CH4 lifetime, methylchloroform lifetime)


Total mass of each species after each operation (transport, mixing, etc.)

The functions listed above create summary tables for quantities such as total mass of species, total mass of emissions, and OH metrics.

Many of these functions use pre-defined lists of variables in YAML files. If one dataset includes a variable but the other dataset does not, the data for that variable in the latter dataset will be considered to be NaN and will be plotted as such.


This function creates tables of global aerosol budgets and burdens from GEOS-Chem 1-year full-chemistry benchmark simulation output.

def make_benchmark_aerosol_tables(
    Compute FullChemBenchmark aerosol budgets & burdens

        devdir: str
            Path to development ("Dev") data directory
        devlist_aero: list of str
            List of Aerosols collection files (different months)
        devlist_spc: list of str
            List of SpeciesConc collection files (different months)
        devlist_met: list of str
            List of meteorology collection files (different months)
        devstr: str
            Descriptive string for datasets (e.g. version number)
        year: str
            The year of the benchmark simulation (e.g. '2016').
        days_per_month: list of int
            List of number of days per month for all months

    Keyword Args (optional):
        dst: str
            Directory where budget tables will be created.
            Default value: './benchmark'
        overwrite: bool
            Overwrite burden & budget tables? (default=True)
            Default value: False
        is_gchp: bool
            Whether datasets are for GCHP
            Default value: False
        spcdb_dir: str
            Directory of species_datbase.yml file
            Default value: Directory of GCPy code repository



This function creates tables of emissions (by species and by inventory) from the output of GEOS-Chem benchmark simulations.

def make_benchmark_emis_tables(
    Creates a text file containing emission totals by species and
    category for benchmarking purposes.

        reflist: list of str
             List with the path names of the emissions file or files
             (multiple months) that will constitute the "Ref"
             (aka "Reference") data set.
        refstr: str
            A string to describe ref (e.g. version number)
        devlist: list of str
             List with the path names of the emissions file or files
             (multiple months) that will constitute the "Dev"
             (aka "Development") data set
        devstr: str
            A string to describe dev (e.g. version number)

    Keyword Args (optional):
        dst: str
            A string denoting the destination folder where the file
            containing emissions totals will be written.
            Default value: ./benchmark
        benchmark_type: str
            A string denoting the type of benchmark output to plot, options are
            FullChemBenchmark, TransportTracersBenchmark or CH4Benchmark.
            Default value: "FullChemBenchmark"
        refmet: str
            Path name for ref meteorology
            Default value: None
        devmet: str
            Path name for dev meteorology
            Default value: None
        overwrite: bool
            Set this flag to True to overwrite files in the
            destination folder (specified by the dst argument).
            Default value: False
        ref_interval: list of float
            The length of the ref data interval in seconds. By default, interval
            is set to [2678400.0], which is the number of seconds in July
            (our 1-month benchmarking month).
            Default value: [2678400.0]
        dev_interval: list of float
            The length of the dev data interval in seconds. By default, interval
            is set to [2678400.0], which is the number of seconds in July
            (our 1-month benchmarking month).
            Default value: [2678400.0]
        spcdb_dir: str
            Directory of species_datbase.yml file
            Default value: Directory of GCPy code repository



This function creates tables of total mass for species in two different GEOS-Chem benchmark simulations.

def make_benchmark_mass_tables(
        label="at end of simulation",
    Creates a text file containing global mass totals by species and
    category for benchmarking purposes.

        reflist: str
            Pathname that will constitute
            the "Ref" (aka "Reference") data set.
        refstr: str
            A string to describe ref (e.g. version number)
        dev: list of str
            Pathname that will constitute
            the "Dev" (aka "Development") data set.  The "Dev"
            data set will be compared against the "Ref" data set.
        devstr: str
            A string to describe dev (e.g. version number)

    Keyword Args (optional):
        varlist: list of str
            List of variables to include in the list of totals.
            If omitted, then all variables that are found in either
            "Ref" or "Dev" will be included.  The varlist argument
            can be a useful way of reducing the number of
            variables during debugging and testing.
            Default value: None
        dst: str
            A string denoting the destination folder where the file
            containing emissions totals will be written.
            Default value: ./benchmark
        subdst: str
            A string denoting the sub-directory of dst where PDF
            files containing plots will be written.  In practice,
            subdst is only needed for the 1-year benchmark output,
            and denotes a date string (such as "Jan2016") that
            corresponds to the month that is being plotted.
            Default value: None
        overwrite: bool
            Set this flag to True to overwrite files in the
            destination folder (specified by the dst argument).
            Default value: False
        verbose: bool
            Set this flag to True to print extra informational output.
            Default value: False.
        spcdb_dir: str
            Directory of species_datbase.yml file
            Default value: Directory of GCPy code repository
        ref_met_extra: str
            Path to ref Met file containing area data for use with restart files
            which do not contain the Area variable.
            Default value: ''
        dev_met_extra: str
            Path to dev Met file containing area data for use with restart files
            which do not contain the Area variable.
            Default value: ''


This function creates tables of mass accumulation over time for species in two different GEOS-Chem benchmark simulations.

def create_mass_accumulation_table(
    Creates a table of global mass accumulation for a list of species in
    two data sets.  The data sets, which typically represent output from two
    different model versions, are usually contained in netCDF data files.

        refdatastart: xarray Dataset
            The first data set to be compared (aka "Reference").
        refdataend: xarray Dataset
            The first data set to be compared (aka "Reference").
        refstr: str
            A string that can be used to identify refdata
            (e.g. a model version number or other identifier).
        refperiodstr: str
            Ref simulation period start and end
        devdatastart: xarray Dataset
            The second data set to be compared (aka "Development").
        devdataend: xarray Dataset
            The second data set to be compared (aka "Development").
        devstr: str
            A string that can be used to identify the data set specified
            by devfile (e.g. a model version number or other identifier).
        devperiodstr: str
            Ref simulation period start and end
        varlist: list of strings
            List of species concentation variable names to include
            in the list of global totals.
        met_and_masks: dict of xarray DataArray
            Dictionary containing the meterological variables and
            masks for the Ref and Dev datasets.
        label: str
            Label to go in the header string.  Can be used to
            pass the month & year.

    Keyword Args (optional):
        trop_only: bool
            Set this switch to True if you wish to print totals
            only for the troposphere.
            Default value: False (i.e. print whole-atmosphere totals).
        outfilename: str
            Name of the text file which will contain the table of
            emissions totals.
            Default value: "GlobalMass_TropStrat.txt"
        verbose: bool
            Set this switch to True if you wish to print out extra
            informational messages.
            Default value: False
        spcdb_dir: str
            Directory of species_datbase.yml file
            Default value: Directory of GCPy code repository

        This method is mainly intended for model benchmarking purposes,
        rather than as a general-purpose tool.

        Species properties (such as molecular weights) are read from a
        YAML file called "species_database.yml".


This function creates a timeseries table of the global mass of the PassiveTracer species. Usually used with output from 1-year TransportTracers benchmark simulations.

def make_benchmark_mass_conservation_table(
    Creates a text file containing global mass of the PassiveTracer
    from Transport Tracer simulations across a series of restart files.

        datafiles: list of str
            Path names of restart files.
        runstr: str
            Name to put in the filename and header of the output file
        refstr: str
            A string to describe ref (e.g. version number)
        dev: str
            Path name of "Dev" (aka "Development") data set file.
            The "Dev" data set will be compared against the "Ref" data set.
        devmet: list of str
            Path name of dev meteorology data set.
        devstr: str
            A string to describe dev (e.g. version number)

    Keyword Args (optional):
        dst: str
            A string denoting the destination folder where the file
            containing emissions totals will be written.
            Default value: "./benchmark"
        overwrite: bool
            Set this flag to True to overwrite files in the
            destination folder (specified by the dst argument).
            Default value: False
        areapath: str
            Path to a restart file containing surface area data.
            Default value: None
        spcdb_dir: str
            Path to the species_database.yml
            Default value: points to gcpy/gcpy folder


This function generates a table of OH metrics from GEOS-Chem benchmark simulation output.

def make_benchmark_oh_metrics(
    Creates a text file containing metrics of global mean OH, MCF lifetime,
    and CH4 lifetime for benchmarking purposes.

        ref: str
            Path name of "Ref" (aka "Reference") data set file.
        refmet: str
            Path name of ref meteorology data set.
        refstr: str
            A string to describe ref (e.g. version number)
        dev: str
            Path name of "Dev" (aka "Development") data set file.
            The "Dev" data set will be compared against the "Ref" data set.
        devmet: list of str
            Path name of dev meteorology data set.
        devstr: str
            A string to describe dev (e.g. version number)

    Keyword Args (optional):
        dst: str
            A string denoting the destination folder where the file
            containing emissions totals will be written.
            Default value: "./benchmark"
        overwrite: bool
            Set this flag to True to overwrite files in the
            destination folder (specified by the dst argument).
            Default value: False


Creates a table with the change in species mass after each GEOS-Chem operation, using output from GEOS-Chem benchmark simulations.

def make_benchmark_operations_budget(
        col_sections=["Full", "Trop", "PBL", "Strat"],
             "Chemistry", "Convection", "EmisDryDep",
             "Mixing", "Transport", "WetDep"
    Prints the "operations budget" (i.e. change in mass after
    each operation) from a GEOS-Chem benchmark simulation.

        refstr: str
            Labels denoting the "Ref" versions
        reffiles: list of str
            Lists of files to read from the "Ref" version.
        devstr: str
            Labels denoting the "Dev" versions
        devfiles: list of str
            Lists of files to read from "Dev" version.
        interval: float
            Number of seconds in the diagnostic interval.

    Keyword Args (optional):
        benchmark_type: str
            A string denoting the type of benchmark output to plot, options are
            FullChemBenchmark, TransportTracersBenchmark, or CH4Benchmark.
            Default value: None
        label: str
            Contains the date or date range for each dataframe title.
            Default value: None
        col_sections: list of str
            List of column sections to calculate global budgets for. May
            include Strat eventhough not calculated in GEOS-Chem, but Full
            and Trop must also be present to calculate Strat.
            Default value: ["Full", "Trop", "PBL", "Strat"]
        operations: list of str
            List of operations to calculate global budgets for. Accumulation
            should not be included. It will automatically be calculated if
            all GEOS-Chem budget operations are passed and optional arg
            compute_accum is True.
            Default value: ["Chemistry","Convection","EmisDryDep",
        compute_accum: bool
            Optionally turn on/off accumulation calculation. If True, will
            only compute accumulation if all six GEOS-Chem operations budgets
            are computed. Otherwise a message will be printed warning that
            accumulation will not be calculated.
            Default value: True
        compute_accum: bool
            Optionally turn on/off accumulation calculation. If True, will
            only compute accumulation if all six GEOS-Chem operations budgets
            are computed. Otherwise a message will be printed warning that
            accumulation will not be calculated.
            Default value: True
        compute_restart: bool
            Optionally turn on/off calculation of mass change based on restart
            file. Only functional for "Full" column section.
            Default value: False
        require_overlap: bool
            Whether to calculate budgets for only species that are present in
            both Ref or Dev.
            Default value: False
        dst: str
            Directory where plots & tables will be created.
            Default value: '.' (directory in which function is called)
        species: list of str
            List of species for which budgets will be created.
            Default value: None (all species)
        overwrite: bool
            Denotes whether to overwrite existing budget file.
            Default value: True
        verbose: bool
            Set this switch to True if you wish to print out extra
            informational messages.
            Default value: False